Best Facebook Ad Templates

Best Facebook Ad Templates

As of April 2019, Facebook's potential advertising reach globally  is 1.887 billion people. That represents 32% of everyone over the age of 13.

Statistics also show that people continue to interact with Facebook ads. The average Facebook user clicks on 11 ads in 30 days.

But there's a lot of competition out there, so only the best Facebook ad examples will get one of those coveted 11 clicks. With more than a quarter of all Facebook Pages using paid ads, you've got to know how to stand out from the crowd.

Here, we focus on highlighting some of the best Facebook advertising examples so you can model the success of these winning campaigns.

Bonus: Download a free guide that teaches you how to turn Facebook traffic into sales in four simple steps using Hootsuite.

16 winning Facebook ad examples to learn from

Facebook image ad examples


LEGO Facebook ad

What's great about this ad

  • With this bright, colorful visual creative, LEGO proves that image ads don't need a photo to be effective.
  • Creative copy creates intrigue without giving too much away, encouraging clicks.
  • The call-to-action button uses low-commitment text ("View Event") to encourage clicks
  • The ad points to a Facebook Event, so it does triple-duty: (1) Those interested in the event itself can RSVP. (2) Those RSVPs create additional organic exposure on friends' feeds. (3) Since LEGO's Facebook Page is linked as the host of the event, the event page can also bring in new Facebook followers.

2. Snag Tights

Snag Tights Facebook ad

What's great about this ad

  • The copy speaks directly to the target audience's concerns and highlights the Snag Tights brand promise.
  • The photos shows the product in use by a wide range of body types, enforcing the copy's claims.
  • The image is colorful and appealing, and could even look like a friend's photo at first glance, drawing the viewer in long enough to read the copy.

Facebook video ad examples

3. Tattoodo

What's great about these ads

  • These two videos both started as posts on Tattoodo's Facebook page. Once it became clear they were achieving high engagement, they were promoted as ads. Boosting high-performing content is a great way to extend the reach of content that has already been proven effective.
  • The ads show how Tattoodo uses different video lengths and styles for different campaigns. The first video is nearly two minutes long, while the second is just 25 seconds. There's no one video format that works for every goal, so it's a great idea to test and experiment.
  • The videos are colorful and eye-catching and move quickly.
  • Each video ends with a clear call to action.

4. Nuud

Posted by Nuud Care on Saturday, June 8, 2019

What's great about this ad

  • The video and copy address some of Nuud customers' main questions about the product: is the packaging environmentally friendly, is the product really all-natural, and will the product work on men.
  • The square video format works well for both mobile and desktop News Feeds.
  • The video is optimized for viewing without sound.

Facebook collection ad example

5. Forgotten Tribes

Forgotten Tribes Facebook ad

Forgotten Tribes Facebook ad examples number 2

What's great about this ad

  • The ad starts with a compelling video of a woman walking along the beach in the advertised clothing, which grabs the user's attention. (You can see the full video here.)
  • Since Collection ads are a mobile-only format, Forgotten Tribes' vertical video makes the best use of screen space.
  • The video is optimized for viewing without sound. And if users do have their sound on, they won't be annoyed by loud music. Instead, they'll hear soothing ocean waves.
  • The link copy (1184 Google Reviews) creates confidence for new potential customers.
  • The ad links to an Instant Experience storefront, shown in the second image above. This is  a full-screen shopping experience accessible without leaving Facebook. The Instant Experience storefront begins with the same clothing item shown in the video, creating a sense of continuity and letting people who just want to buy that jumpsuit get right to the point.

Facebook carousel ad example

6. Busabout

Busabout Facebook carousel ad

What's great about this ad

  • Busabout's creative use of the carousel format showcases one large image across multiple panels.
  • Both the text and the images in this add are user-generated content (UGC) from real past guests, increasing the sense of authenticity. Busabout has found that UGC has a 2 times higher goal conversion than ads based on traditional photoshoots. Based on those results, they've completely switched over to UGC for their ads.
  • The image shows the trip's Generation Z/millennial target demographic, and the pricing is clear. These two factors allow potential travellers to self-qualify. That is, they'll only click if they identify with the demographic shown and are interested in a trip at this price point. Those factors both contribute to reducing cost per click.

Bonus: Download a free guide that teaches you how to turn Facebook traffic into sales in four simple steps using Hootsuite.

Get the free guide right now!

Facebook slideshow ad example

7. Hygge Bands

Hygge Bands Facebook slideshow ad

What's great about this ad

  • The photos in this slideshow ad show multiple customers wearing Hygge Bands on their runs. Showing the product in use is a great way to encourage buying behavior.
  • The copy makes good use of emojis and uses a friendly tone to speak directly to potential customers.
  • The offer is a strong one, encouraging the purchase of multiple items. (Confession: This one got me. And I don't even run.)
  • The copy also highlights the product guarantee. This increases purchase confidence for potential new customers who don't know the brand.
  • Highlighting the option to buy with PayPal also increases purchase confidence for those who may not want to hand over their credit card details.

Facebook instant experience example

8. Feelunique

Facebook instant experience ad from FeelUnique

FeelUnique Facebook instant experience ad

What's great about this ad

  • The video in this Feelunique ad showcases the products mentioned in the copy, encouraging viewers to click.
  • Clicking anywhere on an Instant Experience ad opens the Instant Experience. That means viewers can click on the video, rather than the call-to-action button, and still get a chance to shop.
  • The call-to-action ("Learn More") is a soft sell.
  • The Instant Experience storefront has a clean, open look and feel, letting the products be the stars of the show.

Facebook lead generation ad examples

9. Wimbledon

Wimbledon Facebook lead generation ad 1

Wimbledon Facebook lead generation ad 2

Wimbledon Facebook lead generation ad 3

What's great about this ad

  • Running just as Wimbledon 2019 came to a close, the ad uses current excitement to create a lead database for next year's event. How could your brand use excitement about something that's newsworthy now to build brand awareness (and a list) for later?
  • Several versions of these Facebook lead ads ran, featuring both men's and women's players, to maximize recognition among fans.
  • The lead form asks for minimal details, all of which autocomplete. (I blanked out my email address.) To maximize form completion, especially on mobile, it's important to only ask for the details you need. Ideally stick to ones that Facebook can autocomplete.

10. LeadFamly

LeadFamly Facebook lead generation ad 1

LeadFamly Facebook lead generation ad 2

What's great about this ad

  • A free white paper, eBook, or report is the classic opt-in offer, so it's no surprise that LeadFamly uses a free guide as the offer in this lead generation ad.
  • The ad shows an image of the guide, even though it's a digital download. This helps create a sense of value for potential opt-ins.
  • The ad copy emphasizes, twice, that the guide is free.
  • The "Download" call-to-action makes it clear that when you click on the ad, you're doing to gain access to a file.

Facebook offer ad example

11. Project Tea

Project Tea Facebook offer ad 1

Project Tea Facebook offer ad 2

Project Tea Facebook offer ad 3

What's great about this ad

  • Project Tea's offer is clear and creates a sense of value for the potential customer without significant cost for the merchant.
  • A simple bonus freebie like this can be a great way to get people into a store who may go on to become regular customers.
  • The "Get Directions" call-to-action button redirects to the user's map app, so they can see exactly where the store is and how to get there.
  • When a customer clicks on the offer, it's saved to their Facebook account, so they can always find it. They'll get a reminder from Facebook when it's about to expire.

Facebook Stories ad example

Facebook Stories now has more than half a billion daily active users, so this type of Facebook ad placement should no longer be considered an afterthought.

12. Sephora

Facebook Stories ad from Sephora

Facebook Stories ad from Sephora

What's great about this ad

  • Sephora uses bold colors and large type to catch viewers' eyes in the fast-moving Stories format.
  • A free offer is a great way to grab attention. Since Stories are primarily used by younger Facebook users, making it an in-store-only offer is a good strategy to draw younger potential customers into stores.

Facebook Messenger ad examples

Remember, Facebook Messenger is the most-downloaded app—making it an even more popular download than the Facebook app itself.

13. Headspace

Headspace Facebook Messenger ad

Headspace Facebook Messenger ad

What's great about this ad

  • The colors and bold graphic style are eye-catching, even at a small size.
  • I only saw this ad in Messenger after I had clicked on an ad from the same Headspace campaign in the Facebook newsfeed. That means I recognized the branding of the small graphic at first glance, even though it was not the same as the one I saw on newsfeed.
  • The seasonal copy and price discount create a sense of urgency.
  • The ad points to a dedicated landing page for this campaign.

14. Hilton

Hilton Facebook Messenger ad

Hilton Facebook Messenger ad

What's great about this ad

  • Rather than advertising the hotel itself, this ad promotes a recruiting campaign at the Hilton Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. It's a great use of the more personal ad placement in a Facebook user's chat list.
  • The ad copy is written so that the few words visible within the chat screen convey the ad's message—"We're currently recruiting"—without being cut off.
  • Clicking on the ad provides complete details of the roles Hilton is recruiting for and sends people to a dedicated jobs page to learn more. Even if these particular roles are not a match for someone who's clicked on the ad, they may find another suitable role on the website.

Facebook Dynamic Ad example

15. Iceland Air

Iceland Air Facebook Dynamic Ad

Iceland Air Facebook Dynamic Ad

What's great about this ad

  • The photos show off Iceland's scenery—a prime selling point that inspires clicks to Iceland Air's stopover campaign.
  • The ads use dynamic creative to maximize appeal for each Facebook user based on actions logged by the Facebook pixel.
  • The dynamic ads built off a previous photo and video ad campaign. Incorporating the dynamic creative lead to a 39% increase in reach, 51% increase in conversion rate ad 96% increase in ROI.

Facebook App Install ad example

16. Starbucks

Starbucks' Facebook app install ad example

What's great about this ad

  • An app install ad is an unexpected choice for Starbucks, a brand whose main business is selling coffee. But an app download may well be more valuable for the company over the long term than a single purchase of a tie-dye frappucino, since it can encourage customer loyalty and increased purchasing. If your business offers a loyalty-driving app, this can be a good strategy to consider, even if the app is not your main business.
  • For a free app, "Install now" s a low-commitment call to action, since no money changes hands.
  • The ad copy does a good job of highlighting the benefits of app installation: rewards, skip the line, and order ahead.
  • The photo is seasonally appropriate for an ad run during the summer.

Now that you've got some great Facebook ad examples to model, you might want to dig deeper into how the different Facebook ad formats work.

We've got you covered with an article that breaks down every type of Facebook ad and how to use them to grow your brand.

For a more comprehensive overview that can help you develop the best Facebook ads for your business, check out our complete guide to advertising on Facebook.

Get the most out of your Facebook ad budget with AdEspresso by Hootsuite. The powerful tool makes it easy to create, manage, and optimize Facebook ad campaigns. Try it free today!

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Best Facebook Ad Templates



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